I have been asked this question several times, so I thought I would explain the process in a nutshell of how I became a Glamour Glambassador, and a brief description of what it means.
This is where it all started. I saw the following add in Glamour Magazine:
February 28th, 2009 20:26
GLAMOUR MAGAZINE wants you to sign up to be a GLAMBASSADOR for the magazine in 2009.
As a GLAMBASSADOR, you will:
- receive the latest fashion and beauty products for FREE to test them and
share your thoughts
- receive VIP access to private industry events
- Appear in advertorials in the magazine
- Co-host events and more
GLAMOUR looking for only the best of the best in the industry, as only a
select few will be chosen to become part of this group. Go to glamalert.com/glambassador to sign-up for consideration.
I had to submit my entry which included lots of information about myself, an essay, photo's, a video and then complete a phone interview. I was then chosen as one of 100 new "Glambassadors" across the United States. My catagory title "Mombassador" Here is the opening to the letter I received giving me the wonderful news:
You have been selected to serve as a GLAMBASSADOR for Glamour Magazine as
part of Mombassadors for the April 2009 – May 2010 time frame.
We know that, as a member of the Mombassadors, you’re a hip mom on the go,
which means we are counting on you to keep us posted on all things home, health
and family, as well as fashion and beauty. You’re our ultimate word-of-mom!
As a GLAMBASSADOR, you'll act as a local representative for Glamour's promotion
department in your city. You and your clique of fashionable friends will get VIP
access to Glamour events and offers, and you'll work with us on local event
scouting, promotion and attendance.
We will update you on specific projects and responsibilities each month via the
GLAMBASSADOR online e-newsletter and GLAMBASSADOR Facebook page.
Some of my duties as a "Glambassador":
What Is It?
Glambassador is a network of 100 Glamour ambassadors across the country who work on Glamour’s behalf to reach our local readers. Each Glambassador recruits and manages her own “clique” of 30+ fashionable friends who are living the glamorous life, putting more than 3,000 influencers at your fingertips.
Who Are They?
An Ivy League application is nothing compared to the Glambassadors application process. OK, maybe it’s not that intense, but Glambassadors do submit a written application, video entry, Facebook profile and telephone interview before being selected. We are looking for the most well-connected influencers in each city, such as active members or leaders of alumni associations, special interest clubs, charities, PTAs and social butterflys.
For those who would like to use my services as a "Glambassador", here is the scoop:
How Can I Use Glambassadors?
TREND SCOOP: Find out about cool happenings, trends and venues in cities across the country
DRIVE TRAFFIC: Enlist her help in promoting, attending and hosting special events
GENERATE RESPONSE: Spread the word on sweepstakes, contests and GWPs
TEST DRIVE: Have her sample your product and tell her clique of 30+ fashionable friends
DRIVE SALES: Encourage her and her clique to shop your store.
How Do I Access Glambassadors?
Contact your Glamour Sales Representative to develop a custom marketing program that utilizes Glamour’s best resource – our avid fan base. 100 Glambassadors in 22 major cities across the country: