As you might have noticed, I have done a lot of blogging on this day. It is because I wanted to start from the beginning, but the beginning was quite awhile ago, so I am catching up as time has allowed me to today.
A little bit about me...
I am the mother of four. My children range in age from 23 to 7 years old. I am married to an absolutely wonderful man who makes my life fun. He is an entertainer and has one of the most beautiful voices I have ever heard and I'm not just saying that because he's my hubby. (I still get goosebumps sometimes when I hear him sing after all these years:) My husband and I are both really involved in our church. I am a deeply "Spiritual" person and have struggled with religion and what I actually do or don't believe. But, I am openminded about it and continue to learn and serve on a regular basis. I love helping others and try to volunteer and rally for as many causes that I can. I have owned my own business for almost 14 years. It started out as a recording studio, but has evolved into pretty much anything media related. I have always been a very artistic person and love to draw, paint, sculpt, create in all mediums. I also write lyrics and poetry, play the guitar and can carry a tune or I have been through hell and back more than my share in my life, but have always come out a stronger and better person in spite of it.
I am not a vain person, but I have always prided myself in trying to be the best that I can be by staying healthy, attractive and fashionable. I do it for me, but I love to share my knowledge and intuition with others. I am a firm believer that you don't have to be rich and/or famous to live a fun and GLAMOUR Us life;) I should know... I am neither of those. While I do live in a very wealthy and prosperous community, I have a very humble home surrounded by beautiful "McMansions" (as we call them in Naperville), I drive a 2000 Chevy Impala, not a Lexus, BMW or Mercedes. It's not that I am opposed to any of these luxuries... As a matter of fact, I would welcome the opportunity to experience financial "Utopia" again some day and I would be lying if I said that I didn't get envious every now of my friends and neighbors. I have had the sportscar ( beautiful Corvette) and a lot more money than I have now. Life was definitely easier financially in the past, but I am so much happier in life at this moment in time. I am wealthy in friendships, my wonderful family, my health, and the many opportunities I have these days.
What a great photo of you!